all4T support local communities with basic life support courses

At all4T we believe passionately that being able to provide basic life support is a skill that everyone should have. Additionally with so many Automatic External Defibrillators (AED) now widely available to the public its important that everyone understands just how simple they are to use and the significance of these devices cannot be overstated. Boosting cardiac arrest survival rates to between 60% and 70% makes there use a must in such situations.

Such is that passion that we provide 'at cost' a three hour basic life support with AED course to any local community in the Staffordshire area. All we need is a location, such as a village hall or community centre. Whatever costs involved are then shared between those in attendance, we provide our services, and the coffee, for free.

If your community wants to take advantage of this then get in touch. Three hours of your time might just give sometime time they may never of had.

Call 07836 222694