Fire Safety

Fire can be a force for good or bad. The positive side can be in providing us with light and heat, the negative can cause harm and death. In the year ending June 2021 there were 525,101 incidents that were attended by out Fire and Rescue Service. In the same period 249 people lost their lives in fire related incidents. The cost to business is no less dramatic with fire costing millions in lost revenue, rebuilding and employment. Many fires can be avoided through greater understanding of the risks and general common sense. Under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) 2005, both employers and employees are responsible for reducing the risk of injury or death, in the event of fire, guidelines must be followed. This course is designed to allow employees to develop their basic fire safety awareness in order to assist their employer by undertaking more specific fire safety roles in the workplace to manage fire risk.

Fire Safety, regulated Level 2 course, held over one day

This one day course will cover the following subjects:

How are fires caused in the workplace?

Identifying hazards during or after a fire

Understanding the characteristics of fire and smoke

Defining different methods used to identify and control fire hazards

Understanding the components for means of escape from fire

Describing methods of fire detection and raising the alarm

The principles of extinguishing fire

The safe use of portable fire extinguishing equipment

Outlining the responsibilities of both employer and employee  in respect of fire safety

Undertaking simple fire safety inspection in the workplace

Stages of fire risk assessment

The functions of fire wardens day to day and during an emergency

The content of a fire safety briefing

Make an inquiry or call 07836 222694